Day 1 Fixes

It probably doesn't come as much of a surprise, but when I posted this game for the 20 Second Game Jam one minute before the entries closed, it had a few bugs. Luckily they were rather simple to fix, so I just got to it right away, and touched up a few things as well.

- Fixed the Button to return to menu from the Player Safe end. It was getting stuck which resulted in not being able to view the high scores.
- Fixed the default high scores. I forgot to make the game add them in the first time you play.
- Fixed the PANIC!BUTTONs immunity to being muted.
- Fixed the transparency of the explosion effect.

- Added sounds for menu buttons.
- Added a Quality Settings button to the Options Menu.

- Expanded the Protection Gate to fill wider screens.

- Moved the Score Reset button to the Options Menu.
- Moved the Name button to the Main Menu.
- Balanced Quality Settings for more reasonable performance.

If there's enough demand I may add more questions to the game in the future, but this project is probably complete at this point.


PANIC!BUTTON[BrowserVersion].zip Play in browser
Dec 06, 2023

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